Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gerimis Mengundang

Tittle : gerimis mengundang
Actris: olivia lubis jensen
            Kamal adli
Time: 103 minutes

Film 'Snow Invites' is about the life of Zamani (Kamal Adli) who are in their lives are filled with choices. At one time, Micah (Olivia Jensen Lubis), a dainty girl succeeded his heart. However, in the course of love, all did not go easy. So many obstacles they face. The story is simple. Micah is the girl who was on vacation in Jakarta Malaysia met Zamani who is a clerk at the Sabah Air helicopter. The meeting also like FTV stories, a small incident when Micah was busy riding jetski it almost makes Zamani woe. Furthermore predictable, they do not get along.
Although Micah is begging apology, continued Zamani cynical and grumpy. Forget Micah small mistake, because overflow ke'galak'an Zamani like Micah great sin to Zamani. As Micah had snatched everything from Zamani. Slowly their relationship even closer as it continues to be met by accident. Until finally the sparks flew in their hearts. The conflict began when Zamani actually know Micah actually already have a fiancée named Doni. Zamani disappointed, and regret not telling Micah status from the beginning. But it is not engaged status like fiancée of love. Micah and Doni was forced arranged marriage as small as familiarity of both their respective families. But Micah and Doni was compact feel they deserve more friends than to be lovers. Micah went back to Malaysia to beg again to Zamani to be given the opportunity to explain everything. Still cranky, Zamani not easy conquered. The days passes as usual, served as interpreter Helkopter fly. But not if you give Micah, Micah finally get a friend Zamani in Sabah Air to contact Zamani in flight. From the ground, all the explanations and Micah convey his feelings to Zamani who was in the air. Zamani was asked Micah waiting in the hangar.
But bad weather just makes it all does not run smoothly. Here is a simple round, somehow watch Malaysian film director, Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri this as no different than watching a television movie. Structuring the picture too 'intrusive' because there are a lot of white spots or coral in almost all the scenes are taken at night. The film is arguably helped because the two major players acting in this film that could be considered good.

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